Monday, December 31, 2012

Success in 2012!

3054 pillowcases made their way to Minnesota Hospitals in 2012!  Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers for making ConKerr Cancer such a huge success.

Take a look at what has been happening in the last months of 2012.

Thanks to Sue and Jeannette of Quilt Yourself for their support of ConKerr Cancer over the years. I still remember the first (crazy) sewing event Quilt Yourself hosted. We had volunteers running to local quilt stores for more fabric. We had sewers anxiously waiting for fabric to be cut. We had volunteers coming and going all day. Through all of the chaos we brought into their shop, Sue and Jeannette took it all in stride. Thank you, Sue and Jeannette, for helping Bennett kick off the Minnesota Chapter of ConKerr Cancer in 2010. We wouldn't have been this successful without you!

Counting the 265 pillowcases brought in, we hit 400 pillowcases for the day!! 
We held a sewing day at the University of Minnesota Children's Hospital.  This event showed us that pillowcases are for everyone!  In addition to patients, we had a group of fun ladies, who were waiting for a new arrival to their family, stop by and sew with us:
A Thank You from Children's Hospital in Minneapolis for our recent delivery of pillowcases:
Our hearts went out to the families and friends of Sandy Hook Elementary School.  ConKerr Cancer volunteers across the country sent pillowcases to the kiddos in Newton, Connecticut.  Here is our box of love:
Last but not least, our very own Becky Jensen was selected as a finalist for the Minnesota Quarterback Award. 
Becky has volunteered for ConKerr Cancer since 2009.  She donated pillowcases to Wisconsin until the Minnesota Chapter started in 2010.  Since 2010 she has donated 565 pillowcases.  Becky has volunteered at every University of Minnesota Amplatz Hospital sewing event.  Congratulations to Becky!! Thanks for your dedication to ConKerr Cancer!! 



Can't wait to see what we can accomplish in 2013!!  Happy New Year!!!



Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Over A Mile of Pillowcase Smiles!

Those who can, do; Those who can do more, volunteer.  ~Author unknown

During the month of September people east, west, south, and "up north" sewed, sewed, and sewed some more.   In September Minnesota volunteers made 2,224 pillowcases!  Here are a few examples of contributions that added up to OVER a Mile of Pillowcase Smiles.

---  Many sewed a pillowcase (or a few) and mailed them to me. 
---  Many sewed a pillowcase (or a few) and brought them to our drop-off sites.
---  A few organized sewing events.
---  A few cut fabric for the sewing events.
---  Many attended sewing events. 
---  Many ironed and packaged pillowcases.
---  Many spread the word about ConKerr Cancer.
---  Many donated fabric and/or money.

Thank you to everyone who helped us make our goal of a Mile of Pillowcase Smiles!!! 

When Amy Charpentier heard we were a little short of our mile goal she decided to take on the challenge.  I am still wondering how she pulled off such a fantastic weekend in such short notice and with such style!

Amy invited a bunch of friends to her house for a pillowcase marathon.  She planned non-stop sewing from Saturday morning until Sunday night.  (Okay, maybe she got a few hours of sleep.)  Amy hung some pillowcases outside so no one would miss her house.

Once inside there was a lot (and I mean a lot) of fabric cut and ready to sew.
A chart of stickers showed the progress throughout the marathon.
A tree of pillowcase happiness hung from the ceiling.
Fabulous friends and family helped throughout the sewing event.
(Amy is above - second from the left.  Amy's daughter, Tessa, is on the right.)
Many friends showed up to help cut, sew, fold, iron, package, etc for hours and hours. The last day of her marathon happened to be the last day of September.  In the evening of the 30th I recieved a text from Amy, "Will we make a mile?  We can make more if we need them."  I couldn't believe it! 
Amy and her family and friends made 338 pillowcases!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shakopee High School Juniors Making a Difference

As if being a student council member, youth basketball assistant coach, SADD member, honor roll student, and basketball player isn't enough, Emily Horsmann is now volunteering for ConKerr Cancer.  Within a couple weeks Emily volunteered 12 hours ironing and packaging pillowcases.  When she has time, she'd like to sew pillowcases as well. 

Greta Schleif, another busy student, sewed pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer this month.    Greta, an honor roll student, is involved in cross country, basketball, softball, student council and Link.  Greta is also ironing and packaging pillowcases made at the recent Miles of Pillowcase Smiles event. 

Zac Etrheim, helped all day at the recent Miles of Pillowcase Smiles sewing event.  He is ironing and packaging many of the pillowcases made at the event.  Zac, an honor roll student, plays basketball and has recently gotten a job at Panera.    
In 2010 Zac made pillowcases and helped with our very first delivery to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital. 

Emily, Greta, and Zac - Welcome to the ConKerr Cancer family!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

ConKerr Cancer – Minnesota Awarded Cities 97 Sampler Grant!

Minneapolis/St. Paul radio station Cities 97 recently awarded the Minnesota Chapter of ConKerr Cancer a grant from the Cities 97 Sampler Volume 23 proceeds.

Each year since 1989, Cities 97 has produced a CD featuring local talent from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.  The Sampler is sold exclusively at area Target stores in November and sells out in a few hours.  100% of the proceeds from the Sampler are awarded to Minnesota non-profit organizations who serve children, animals and adults in need throughout Minnesota.  Since 1989, Cities 97 has raised over $8,800,000 for Minnesota charities!

Julie Morse and Becky Jensen were honored to represent ConKerr Cancer at the Cities 97 Appreciation Luncheon.

 Pictured from left to right: 
Becky Jensen, Lauren MacLeash of Cities 97, and Julie Morse.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thank You Augsburg College!

Good Neighbors, Giving Back to the Community

 Staff from Augsburg College, constructed pillowcases for neighbor, University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital.  Read the following from event organizer, Wendi:

We work at Augsburg College, and the college grants us two days each year to engage in a community service project or activity of our choice. Last year we made blankets for Project Linus. When I saw something on Facebook about ConKerr Cancer earlier this year, I thought this would be a great day project for those of us who sew. I saw that Amplatz is one of the donation sites, and it's right across the street from our campus, so this just seemed like a great opportunity for us.

Several of our staff colleagues and even one student donated a bunch of fabrics, and we got together to work on the pillowcases on May 17 (after classes had ended at Augsburg). Jen, Kristen, Jill, and I constructed the pillowcases, and Sandy was our wonderful helper who cut and ironed for us! We were really surprised that we were able to make 27 pillowcases in a matter of hours, and we had such a great time. Each time one of us would finish a case, we'd hold it up for the others to see and we all "oohed" and "aahed" over them.

Recently my aunt was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, and while she's not a child, I am sure that she would appreciate any little bit of color and joy in her environment just as a child in the hospital would.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bennett Olupo had the honor of representing volunteers across Minnesota while delivering the 2,000th pillowcase to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital.

Becky Jensen, Julie Morse, Charlie Morse, Bennett Olupo and I held a sewing event at the hospital in March.  Now that we have a few sewing events under our belts we are getting into a good groove.  The time flies and we meet a lot of wonderful kiddos and their families. Becky has a quiet and gentle approach working with the kids.  Julie ensures the kids walk away with a sense of pride of sewing on their own.  This was Charlie's first time joining the group. We're hoping we can get the okay for him to entertain us with some guitar music during our next visit.  Bennett usually has a small hand resting on his as they guide the fabric to be sewn.  Even the little kids, whose legs don't reach the floor, want to push the pedal to make the machine sew.  Sarah Blanchette, our wonderful volunteer coordinator, is always so cheerful and welcoming.  We bring totes of pillowcases made by volunteers for those who want to pick a pillowcase (or two) instead of sew one on their own.  There is a lot of time and thought that goes into selecting just the right one.  Thank you to all of the volunteers that make and deliver pillowcases.  Without you this wouldn't be possible! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Celebration marked by Service Day - 435 Pillowcases!

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormons, celebrated their 75th anniversary of their church welfare program by doing a day of service.  The celebration was worldwide with each area choosing its own service activity.  In the Lakeville area they chose to make pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer.  Anthea Wilson, from the congregation, came up with the idea as she had already made and donated a few pillowcases on her own.
First, a youth night of about 40-50 teenagers made some.  Then they had an event the day after Thanksgiving.  Around 60-70 people participated in the event!  In addition, people made them on their own throughout the rest of the year and turned them in at the church.
I received an email from one of our drop off sites saying that they didn’t have room for such a big delivery – wow!! The group was donating 435 pillowcases!  I picked up the pillowcases from the home of Dan Brogan.  Luckily Dan’s children pitched in to help load up my van!!
Many of these pillowcases are going to bring smiles to kids and families in St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth.  The remaining will be going to Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.  What a great effort by the group!!   Thanks to each and every one of you for each and every pillowcase!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Children's Hospital of Minneapolis Thanks YOU!

300 beautiful pillowcases were delivered to Children's Hospital of Minneapolis on January 9th.  Whenever I make a delivery I think of all the hearts and hands that helped make the pillowcases.  I recently received this Thank you from the Child Life Specialist at the hospital.  I want to pass this on to all of the volunteers that make ConKerr Cancer successful.  I wish I could thank each of you individually!
