Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Over A Mile of Pillowcase Smiles!

Those who can, do; Those who can do more, volunteer.  ~Author unknown

During the month of September people east, west, south, and "up north" sewed, sewed, and sewed some more.   In September Minnesota volunteers made 2,224 pillowcases!  Here are a few examples of contributions that added up to OVER a Mile of Pillowcase Smiles.

---  Many sewed a pillowcase (or a few) and mailed them to me. 
---  Many sewed a pillowcase (or a few) and brought them to our drop-off sites.
---  A few organized sewing events.
---  A few cut fabric for the sewing events.
---  Many attended sewing events. 
---  Many ironed and packaged pillowcases.
---  Many spread the word about ConKerr Cancer.
---  Many donated fabric and/or money.

Thank you to everyone who helped us make our goal of a Mile of Pillowcase Smiles!!! 

When Amy Charpentier heard we were a little short of our mile goal she decided to take on the challenge.  I am still wondering how she pulled off such a fantastic weekend in such short notice and with such style!

Amy invited a bunch of friends to her house for a pillowcase marathon.  She planned non-stop sewing from Saturday morning until Sunday night.  (Okay, maybe she got a few hours of sleep.)  Amy hung some pillowcases outside so no one would miss her house.

Once inside there was a lot (and I mean a lot) of fabric cut and ready to sew.
A chart of stickers showed the progress throughout the marathon.
A tree of pillowcase happiness hung from the ceiling.
Fabulous friends and family helped throughout the sewing event.
(Amy is above - second from the left.  Amy's daughter, Tessa, is on the right.)
Many friends showed up to help cut, sew, fold, iron, package, etc for hours and hours. The last day of her marathon happened to be the last day of September.  In the evening of the 30th I recieved a text from Amy, "Will we make a mile?  We can make more if we need them."  I couldn't believe it! 
Amy and her family and friends made 338 pillowcases!!