Monday, December 30, 2013

Kohl's Volunteers are AMAZING

I was trying to come up with a title for this blog post and I just kept thinking how AMAZING the Kohl's volunteers are - so, that's the title!

Kohl's volunteers, organized by Sara Bauer, are continually surprising me with great news and pillowcases!  Recently, Kohl's volunteers donated fabric to Mrs. Sabel's Basic Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Class at St. Croix Falls High School in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.  The kids learn to sew and ConKerr Cancer gets more pillowcases!  As Sara says, "Everyone wins!"  Thank you Kohl's volunteers AND Mrs. Sabel's FACS Class!

Then, in November Kohl's volunteers set up a giving tree at their store.  When the retail season slows down they plan to make more pillowcases from the fabric and monetary donations. 
What a great idea!!
I look forward to teaming up with Kohl's volunteers in 2014! 

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Students Sew Pillowcases

We met Hannah, a University of Minnesota student, at our spring sewing event at the Ronald McDonald House.  Hannah is a volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House.  After seeing the pillowcases and our sewing event, she decided to volunteer for ConKerr Cancer too!

Hannah and her friend/sorority sister, Stephanie, participated in a sewing event in June for victims of the tornadoes in Oklahoma and a sewing event for patients and families at the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital.  They have become great volunteers and advocates for ConKcrr Cancer!

In November, Hannah and Stephanie hosted the first sewing event for students at the University of Minnesota. (Love it that all of the students are wearing U of M clothes!)

Here's the first pillowcase the group made:

Thank you Hannah and Stephanie for spreading the word at the University of Minnesota!!  Looking forward to meeting more of your group in 2014!

ConKerr Cancer Awareness

More and more people are becoming aware of ConKerr Cancer.  Here are a couple pictures of a fantastic window display set up by Toni, a volunteer in Ely, Minnesota. 

What a great way to spread the word!!  The pillowcases are ADORABLE!  Thank you Toni! 


Children's Cancer Research Fund - 2013 Annual Report

ConKerr Cancer volunteers walked in the Time to Fly event to raise funds for the Children's Cancer Research Fund.  We recently received their beautiful 2013 Annual Report. 

The below team identifies Team ConKerr Cancer as a $1,000(plus) fundraising team. 
Way to go team!
Team ConKerr Cancer for 2013
(Sorry team for the late blog post about this! Wow - I wish we had this warm weather today.)


Monday, October 14, 2013

10,000th Pillowcase Delivered!

The 10,000th pillowcase was delivery to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital tonight. This is the special little guy who received the case.  He gave a thumbs up and wanted to cuddle on it right away. His dad chose the Elmo pillowcase for him from a nice assortment. 
Above:  Bennett Olupo and our wonderful University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital contact, Sarah Blanchette.  Sarah helped us deliver our very first pillowcase in 2010.  She is a gem.
Many, many, MANY volunteers helped Minnesota reach the 10,000th pillowcase milestone.  Whether you contributed one pillowcase, or several hundred, we couldn't have done it without you!  Thank you so very much. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2013 Miles of Pillowcase Smiles - WOW!!

'WOW!!' is what comes to my mind when I reflect on the month of September. 
Here is a summary of Minnesota's Miles of Pillowcase Smiles Campaign:
Minnesota volunteers made 2,948 pillowcases!!!!!!!!!!!!  THAT IS AWESOME!!  Thank you for all of your effort, time, talent, etc.  We have a nice supply built up for more deliveries to the hospitals.  Many of the pillowcases have already been delivered and have kiddos sleeping on them each night.
After I announced our goal for September was 1&1/2 miles I had a great response from a volunteer - "What happened to 1&1/4th?"   I guess that volunteer is very wise since we made just over 1&1/4th of a mile!!
Pillowcase deliveries in September - 890!:
Children's Hospital Minneapolis - 177
Children's Hospital St. Paul -  147
Ronald McDonald House -  118
Shriners Hospital - 50
St. Mary's Hospital Duluth - 144
University of Minnesota Amplatz - 254
Sewing with the kiddos:
Ronald McDonald House
University of Minnesota Amplatz Hospital
Several sewing events throughout Minnesota:  Ely, Jackson, Gibbon, Silver Bay, Shakopee, and New Hope
Many, many volunteers sewing at their homes and mailing or dropping off completed cases. 
Two students registered a ConKerr Cancer group at the University of Minnesota (more soon about this)
Submitted Cities 97 Sampler Charities Grant Request
Updated Minnesota Page on Corporate Site:
It truly is an honor volunteering for this organization with you. I loved the ambition and dedication you had to make a mile of pillowcases.  From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all you do to make our chapter and the overall organization successful.  Thank you.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kohl's Cares!

Kohl's employee, Sara Bauer, rallied the troops (in this case, fellow Kohl's employees and a neighbor) to support the Minnesota Chapter of ConKerr Cancer. They joined the sewing event in Shakopee on September 14th.  These fabulous volunteers said they plan to continue to make pillowcases throughout the year! 

Left to right:  Liz, Kim, Sue, Laurie, and Sara
Sara, is what I call a "super supporter" of the pillowcase effort.  Besides this event she participated in June to make cases for victims of the Oklahoma tornados.  She has also spread the word about ConKerr Cancer and recruited several volunteers. 
Earlier this year, Sara and another Kohl's employee, sewed with students, and teacher Laurie Sabel, at St.Croix Falls High School in St.Croix Falls, WI. 
 We are so lucky to have the help of Kohl's employees!  Thank you!!!

Shakopee Sewing Event

Last year's event total of 400 cases was a big number to beat, but we did it! 

Volunteers made 166 pillowcases during the four hour sewing event.  Add those to the 306 completed cases delivered to the event for a total of 472 cases!


Sewing Event in Finland, Minnesota

Results from the first sewing event during our fourth annual Miles of Pillowcase Smiles Campaign are in - 420 pillowcases!  WAY TO GO LADIES!

Here are some pictures of the sewing event in Finland, Minnesota.  Looks like a lot of sewing and a lot of smiles!

This volunteer learned to sew after 60.  She sewed her very first pillowcase at the event!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Small group and BIG results!

In April, Denise from Jackson, Minnesota organized a sewing event. When Denise has an event it means A LOT OF PILLOWCASES!  A group of 10-12 people sewed; coming and going from about 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.  Some new, some regulars.  From age 13 to over 80.   Denise's niece was the 13 year old and used a serger for the first time.  She caught on quickly and there was no stopping her!  The group completed sewing and packaging 278 pillowcases

From Denise:  "I spoke to a family who has benefited from the pillowcases.  The little girl is in treatment for leukemia, about 6 - 7 years old. Her sister is 12 and is 'using' one of her sisters.  The older sister has also given some speeches to Red Cross leaders regarding blood donation as that helped to save her sister.  The mom said it really does make a difference and it is so nice to look back at photos with a cheerful pillowcase!  This family lives in our area and the girls go to school about 15 minutes away from here. Very nice to hear someone close by has appreciated the pillowcases."

Here are some pictures from the event.  Keep up the great work!

Ronald McDonald House - Visit #2

The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) was full of energy during our last visit.  During our sewing events I'm not sure who is entertained more, the kids or us! 

Above, Christina helped Carter make a super colorful pillowcase.  Christina has a vibrant personality and says just the right thing to get the kids to smile and giggle while sewing.  

There are some kids who prefer to pick from totes of premade pillowcases we bring with us to each sewing event.  Other kids like Evelyn (below), can't make enough!  Evelyn was asked how many pillowcases she made and in this photo she was indicating three or four.  (I'm pretty sure Amy was helping Evelyn make her fifth!) 
We met Karee Jo (below) at our last sewing event at the RMH.  At that event she made several pillowcases to give to special people in her life.  Karee Jo's mom sent a picture of Karee Jo sewing to friends at home in North Dakota.  Low and behold, their friends gave Karee Jo her very own sewing machine and a quilt group gave her some fabric.  When we arrived at the RMH Karee Jo was anxiously waiting for our group to show her how to use her sewing machine. Volunteers, Amy and Tessa, give Karee Jo and her mom a sewing machine review.  Before the night was over Tessa had given Karee Jo a pillowcase refresher course and Karee Jo was on her pillowcase way! 

 As we packed up, Karee Jo disappeared into the kitchen to make Monster cookies.  We were treated to some fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies before we left.  Yum-yum - the cookies were YUMMY!    This recipe is too good not to share:

Ronald McDonald House Monster Cookies
(This makes a LARGE batch.  You can cut it down to the batch size you want.)
1 dozen eggs
2 lbs brown sugar
4 cups white sugar
1 TBSP vanilla
1 TBSP white syrup
8 tsp baking soda
1 lb butter
3 lbs peanut butter (3 cups)
18 cups old fashioned oats
Desired amount of choc chips and M & M's
Bake @ 350 for 10-12 minutes


Sunday, June 30, 2013

To Oklahoma with Love from Minnesota

Tornadoes whipped through Oklahoma May 31st.  ConKerr Cancer volunteers responded by sending a little comfort to the victims. 
Back row:  Carolyn, Becky, Michelle, Sara, Wendy, Hannah, Sandie, Bennett
Front row:  Maddie, Deb, Sue, Stephanie, Linda

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ronald McDonald House - Minneapolis

ConKerr volunteers recently had a blast at the first Ronald McDonald House sewing event! 

When she browsed a variety of pillowcase kits Destiny immediately knew she wanted to sew a Dora pillowcase.  Amy was entertained by Destiny's lively personality while she helped her make the Dora pillowcase.  Destiny was very thoughtful. She made a couple pillowcases for her Ronald McDonald House friends who weren't able to join the fun. 


Gabriel sewed a Cars pillowcase and then found plenty of ways to entertain himself and us! 

He loved to put the pillowcase over his head.  (Yes, we watched him very closely!)  We also saw him scooting around the house using the pillowcase to carry his toys.  This little guy had a lot of energy!

What a little Sweetie!
 Tuesday nights are craft nights at the Ronald McDonald House.  Little did we know we would have such great help - therapy dogs!  Sandwiched between two therapy dogs, Wendy helped Karee Jo sew her first pillowcase.  Karee Jo loves craft nights!  Gopher, the dog on the left, sits with Karee Jo each night she works on her crafts.  Karee Jo was the Pillowcase Queen!  She made several cases, as well as picked out cases from pillowcases made and donated by Minnesota volunteers.  She very carefully picked out the fabric to fit the personalities of her friends and family members. 

Below, MacKenzie displayed the beautiful pink and green pillowcase she made.  MacKenzie was taking a break from studying.  And, yes, that's Karee Jo working on another pillowcase, on another sewing machine, with another volunteer, Christina!  Standing in the back are University of Minnesota students who volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House, (from left to right) Mary Kate, Hannah, and Alex. 
We hope to see Mary Kate, Hannah, and Alex making pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer soon!
We hope to sew at the Ronald McDonald House again soon.  Thanks to Amy, Wendy, Christina, Becky, and Meri for volunteering. And, a special thanks to Amy for organizing the event!