Saturday, July 20, 2013

Small group and BIG results!

In April, Denise from Jackson, Minnesota organized a sewing event. When Denise has an event it means A LOT OF PILLOWCASES!  A group of 10-12 people sewed; coming and going from about 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.  Some new, some regulars.  From age 13 to over 80.   Denise's niece was the 13 year old and used a serger for the first time.  She caught on quickly and there was no stopping her!  The group completed sewing and packaging 278 pillowcases

From Denise:  "I spoke to a family who has benefited from the pillowcases.  The little girl is in treatment for leukemia, about 6 - 7 years old. Her sister is 12 and is 'using' one of her sisters.  The older sister has also given some speeches to Red Cross leaders regarding blood donation as that helped to save her sister.  The mom said it really does make a difference and it is so nice to look back at photos with a cheerful pillowcase!  This family lives in our area and the girls go to school about 15 minutes away from here. Very nice to hear someone close by has appreciated the pillowcases."

Here are some pictures from the event.  Keep up the great work!

Ronald McDonald House - Visit #2

The Ronald McDonald House (RMH) was full of energy during our last visit.  During our sewing events I'm not sure who is entertained more, the kids or us! 

Above, Christina helped Carter make a super colorful pillowcase.  Christina has a vibrant personality and says just the right thing to get the kids to smile and giggle while sewing.  

There are some kids who prefer to pick from totes of premade pillowcases we bring with us to each sewing event.  Other kids like Evelyn (below), can't make enough!  Evelyn was asked how many pillowcases she made and in this photo she was indicating three or four.  (I'm pretty sure Amy was helping Evelyn make her fifth!) 
We met Karee Jo (below) at our last sewing event at the RMH.  At that event she made several pillowcases to give to special people in her life.  Karee Jo's mom sent a picture of Karee Jo sewing to friends at home in North Dakota.  Low and behold, their friends gave Karee Jo her very own sewing machine and a quilt group gave her some fabric.  When we arrived at the RMH Karee Jo was anxiously waiting for our group to show her how to use her sewing machine. Volunteers, Amy and Tessa, give Karee Jo and her mom a sewing machine review.  Before the night was over Tessa had given Karee Jo a pillowcase refresher course and Karee Jo was on her pillowcase way! 

 As we packed up, Karee Jo disappeared into the kitchen to make Monster cookies.  We were treated to some fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies before we left.  Yum-yum - the cookies were YUMMY!    This recipe is too good not to share:

Ronald McDonald House Monster Cookies
(This makes a LARGE batch.  You can cut it down to the batch size you want.)
1 dozen eggs
2 lbs brown sugar
4 cups white sugar
1 TBSP vanilla
1 TBSP white syrup
8 tsp baking soda
1 lb butter
3 lbs peanut butter (3 cups)
18 cups old fashioned oats
Desired amount of choc chips and M & M's
Bake @ 350 for 10-12 minutes