Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas pillowcase to brighten my son's day. He is a little cancer survivor. We had a hospital day for his annual MRI under anesthesia. 
Merry Christmas!
Gini, mom of Anders (age 7)

Ronald McDonald House - Tomten Festival

Ronald McDonald House-Oak Street held their 9th annual Tomten Festival. A Tomten is a "little helper" in Swedish. The kids turned into Tomtens and made gifts for their loved ones.

We hope Grandma loves her dinosaur pillowcase!

There were awesome projects all around the room. It was a night of fun and a lot of smiles!

Top Notchers 4-H Group is Top Notch!

Top Notchers 4-H Club made over 50 pillowcases!



Trick or Treat!

Supplying the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital with Halloween-theme pillowcases has become an annual tradition! The hospital throws a 'reverse' Trick or Treating party. Staff, nurses, and doctors go to each of the rooms with treats. Rumor has it the pillowcases are some of the kids' favorites!

Tripolis/Ebenezer VBS Kids Decorate Pillowcases

Check out these busy and creative kids!

Miles of Pillowcase Smiles Success!

2014 marked our fifth year participating in the nationwide Miles of Pillowcase Smiles Campaign. Minnesota volunteers made 2,879 pillowcases! The organization campaign total was 81,000! Wow - that's a lot of smiles!

Kohl's - 'Sew' Awesome!

Kohl's employees in Apple Valley are AMAZING! Thanks Kohl's for continuing to Care!

Hinckley-Finlayson Students Sew for ConKerr Cancer

Ms. Katie Pollock's Family Consumer Science class 
made pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer. 
Thank you!

Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare Music Camp Thanks!

Sewing at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities students, Karlie, Holly, and Hannah visited Lexi's room with their sewing machine.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Becker Middle School Penny War Challenge!

If you see a penny on the ground, do you pick it up? I do.  Going forward, whenever I pick up a penny I will think of the 7th grade students and staff at Becker Middle School in Becker, Minnesota. For one week the students of Becker Middle School held a Penny War Challenge.

The classrooms were challenged to bring in pennies to be donated to a charity.

WOW! WOW! WOW! They certainly rose to the challenge!

In December 2013 Lisa Krause, Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, informed me of the fantastic news that ConKerr Cancer was the lucky charity to receive the Penny War Challenge collection of $1626.71!

The winning "Jumpstart/Homeroom" selected ConKerr Cancer after being exposed to the organization in their Life Skills class, where they learned how to sew pillowcases.

After the students made their own pillowcases, they worked together to sew fabric donated by students and teachers.  In addition to the amazing cash donation they also donated 107 colorful pillowcases!

On April 1st, after having to reschedule several times because of weather, Bennett and I visited Becker Middle School. We spoke to the 240 7th grade students and teachers about the history of ConKerr Cancer, our experiences with ConKerr Cancer, and the importance of volunteering. We also thanked them for their INCREDIBLE generosity!

We were presented with a "big check" and the wonderful pillowcases.  Bennett and I left the school incredibly impressed by the students.  We could tell they were very proud of their contributions to ConKerr Cancer - as they should be! We are proud of them, too!

Cindy Kerr, founder of ConKerr Cancer, always says, "You never know where a pillowcase will take you." Well, I'm so happy a pillowcase took us to Becker Middle School!  Thank you!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kohl's Keeps Caring

Apple Valley Kohl's employees go above and beyond for their community. They sew on a regular basis to support the Minnesota Chapter of ConKerr Cancer. As if that isn't enough, Kohl's donates funds to ConKerr Cancer to match volunteer hours. We love Kohl's employees!