Monday, September 27, 2010

Our University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital Visit

On September 18th, we visited the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital for a little pillowcase event.  Along with a tote full of finished pillowcases made by our wonderful volunteers, we also brought along a sewing machine and unfinished cut pillowcase sets that the kids could make themselves.  

Several parents stopped by to pick out a pillowcase, for their child who could not leave their room.  A couple of parents took a few back to the rooms to let their child choose.

There were a handful of kids who were well enough to visit the room to pick out a pillowcase whether finished or unfinished.  One little girl wanted to make her own, but by the time she had chosen the fabric, she was too tired to stay.  Two kids (pictured above) had the strength to stay and sew their own, but most opted to let us do the stitching.  It was so wonderful to see the smiles.

The door prizes we brought along were an added bonus.  I think it made the day for one dad whose child won the Percy Harvin autographed photo.


Monday, September 20, 2010

The Small and Mighty Evening Crew at Quilt Youself

The Pillowcase Party at Quilt Yourself in Savage on September 17, 2010 rolled an additional 100 pillowcases of the assembly line!

Pictured above is the line of pinners, pressers, sewers, and sergers on the evening shift.  Thank you, Jeannette and Sue, for all you did to make the event a huge success.  :)

A very special thank you to Quilt Yourself who not only supplied the space, but they also supplied pizza and candy as well as the fabric!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Free Pillowcase Patterns for Quilters

Here is another great link for great pillowcase patterns!

It is from all people quilt, and the patterns can be downloaded free.

Prescott High School Sends Pillowcase Smiles!

Approximately 20 students and staff from Prescott High School Volunteer Group were busy over the summer sewing pillowcases!

Mari Lucus, the high school physical education teacher, and avid quilter, spearheaded the effort.  The group made around 50 pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer.   As you can see from the pictures, they look like they know what they are doing!

Prescott is approximately 25 minutes from the Twin Cities.  The group has also volunteered at Gillette's Children's Hospital, Feed My Starving Children, Salvation Army Toy Shop and Sharing & Caring Hands, as well as, spring clean-up at Kinnickinnic State Park, raking yards for senior citizens, watering flowers at the cemetery, and assisting at many school district events.  WOW - What a fantastic group!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Pillowcase Tutorial

This is a link to another tutorial on how to sew pillowcases. This one uses the yardage requirements listed on the ConKerr Cancer website.

Click here to see all of the directions.  (Dana shows step-by-step pictures, which are very helpful.)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Throw A Pillowcase Party!

The countdown is on! Help us meet our September goal of a mile of pillowcases, which will be donated to local Minnesota hospitals for kids battling life changing illnesses.

It is a big undertaking, but you can help by
throwing your own pillowcase sewing party!  :)

Browse around our new blog then email Carolyn at for more information.

Pictured are few of the finished pillowcases made by Minnesota volunteers getting ready for the line-up.  

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Pillowcase Party!

Where:  Quilt Yourself - Savage, MN
When:  Friday, September 17, 2010 from 10:00 am - 9:00 pm

The event is "open house" style.
Bring your sewing machine, sewing kit, fabric, munchies, etc..
Help us meet our goal of a Mile of MN Pillowcase Smiles!

Any questions - please email Carolyn at
See you there!
~ Carolyn

Click here for map and directions.

The photo above is from the  1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.
It is a great site if you would like a little inspiration.  =)

Sewing Instructions

ConKerr Cancer has a page on their blog with pillowcase specifications.
Please read the directions on this link before you begin.

Another option is to make all your raw edges fully encased.  I found this neat video on YouTube that gives great instructions how to do it.  Please note that the fabric yardage is different than what is listed on the ConKerr Cancer website instructions.  However, any standard size pillowcase pattern can be used.  Click here to see Robin's written instructions.

The Miles of Pillowcase Smiles Challenge

September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, and ConKerr Cancer is rising to the challenge to make as many miles of pillowcases in September as they can.

Minnesota has set a goal of one mile of pillowcases.  That is 2,112 pillowcases!  We know people that are sewing all across MN--from Ely to Jackson.  But we need your help!

If you or your organization is interested in adding your cases to the line, please email Carolyn at:

Whether you make one or many, you are contributing to something bigger than a number.  You are brightening a sick, and possibly frightened, child's life.  Each day and night kids are snuggling up to something you made with love and care.  Regardless of the numbers, that is what's important.

Special Delivery!

Introducing Sarah

Sarah, our U of M Hospital rep, is holding a ConKerr Cancer t-shirt we gave her.  I thought it fitting we give the shirt in a baggie like the pillowcases.  ;-)  Our deliveries are very fast.  We chat for maybe five minutes since I'm usually getting Sarah out of a meeting or clinic.

I am happy to tell you that Sarah said the pillowcases are "wildly popular" and ALL of the pillowcases are wonderful and find a home.

The kids in the picture are my son, Bennett, and his friend, Carlson.

~ Carolyn, Minneapolis Coordinator

The Beginnings of the ConKerr Cancer Minnesota

The pillowcase drive mentioned in the news article was the springboard for ConKerr Cancer Minnesota.  This initiative not only resulted in enough pillowcases for our first delivery to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital, but also identified a coordinator for a relationship with St. Mary’s in Rochester.