Monday, September 27, 2010

Our University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital Visit

On September 18th, we visited the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital for a little pillowcase event.  Along with a tote full of finished pillowcases made by our wonderful volunteers, we also brought along a sewing machine and unfinished cut pillowcase sets that the kids could make themselves.  

Several parents stopped by to pick out a pillowcase, for their child who could not leave their room.  A couple of parents took a few back to the rooms to let their child choose.

There were a handful of kids who were well enough to visit the room to pick out a pillowcase whether finished or unfinished.  One little girl wanted to make her own, but by the time she had chosen the fabric, she was too tired to stay.  Two kids (pictured above) had the strength to stay and sew their own, but most opted to let us do the stitching.  It was so wonderful to see the smiles.

The door prizes we brought along were an added bonus.  I think it made the day for one dad whose child won the Percy Harvin autographed photo.


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