Saturday, March 19, 2011

With Love from MN!

Anikah, a little 2 year old girl from the south metro, is in Texas getting treatment for cancer. At the end of December Anikah wasn't feeling well and her parents took her in for a check up. The Drs discovered Anikah had a tumor on her brain (grade II Ependymoma). The tumor was removed surgically at Children's Hospital in MN but she needed to have a special type of proton treatment. Anikah, her parents, and big brother, Joey, traveled to Texas the end of January to start treatment. It sounds like it has been a long road of tests, surgeries, and medicines. The good news is that Anikah will soon be coming home to MN and she is cancer free! It's a little late, but pillowcases are on their way, to Anikah and big brother Joey, with well wishes and love from MN.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Delivery to St. Mary's Duluth

Great news! Snow will not hold us mighty Minnesotans back....our pillowcases made it to St. Mary's Hospital in Duluth! Whew-hoo!

Pam, from Little Marais, made our first delivery on February 15th. Pam has established a relationship with JoHannah Orman, the Child Life Specialist, at St. Mary's. Pam is on the left and JoHanna is on the right.

Pam is going to be our point person for St. Mary's Duluth. Thanks Pam!!