Saturday, March 19, 2011

With Love from MN!

Anikah, a little 2 year old girl from the south metro, is in Texas getting treatment for cancer. At the end of December Anikah wasn't feeling well and her parents took her in for a check up. The Drs discovered Anikah had a tumor on her brain (grade II Ependymoma). The tumor was removed surgically at Children's Hospital in MN but she needed to have a special type of proton treatment. Anikah, her parents, and big brother, Joey, traveled to Texas the end of January to start treatment. It sounds like it has been a long road of tests, surgeries, and medicines. The good news is that Anikah will soon be coming home to MN and she is cancer free! It's a little late, but pillowcases are on their way, to Anikah and big brother Joey, with well wishes and love from MN.

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