Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pillowcase-a-thon Success

The Pillowcase-a-thon at Quilt Yourself on Saturday, 9/10/11, was a HUGE success!  We made 127 pillowcases! 

Volunteers were cutting, pinning, ironing, and sewing.  Everyone was fantastic and flexible.  Not only did the group make 127 pillowcases, volunteers cut all of the fabric that was brought in.   In addition to the 127 made at the event, 73 were brought in completed.  That's a total of 200 pillowcases for the day!  Thanks to everyone for your FABULOUS work. 

I had a lot of fun and hope everyone that helped enjoyed the day too.   A very, very special THANK YOU to Jeannette and Sue, owners of Quilt Yourself, for hosting our event.  You are gems for being so generous.  The MN chapter of ConKerr Cancer would not be what it is today without you.  You are the best.

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